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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
00:50, 16 November 2006 SplashScreenshot.jpg (file) 273 KB Schoelle A snapshot of EiffelStudio that is used for the slash screen of the wiki. 1
13:54, 6 November 2006 Compiler split overview.png (file) 38 KB Paulb Diagram showing the separation of UI, tools, compiler and code generator 1
06:59, 6 November 2006 Widgets-example1.png (file) 62 KB Dfurrer Screenshot of the widgets example using vision4mac 1
13:39, 3 November 2006 Video still.png (file) 33 KB Aleitner   3
12:28, 3 November 2006 Testing buttons.png (file) 7 KB Aleitner   2
12:25, 3 November 2006 Test case states.png (file) 15 KB Aleitner   1
12:16, 3 November 2006 Show testing.png (file) 57 KB Aleitner   3
14:54, 31 October 2006 Gui capture event hierarchy.png (file) 4 KB Juliant   1
14:54, 31 October 2006 Gui capture overall structure.png (file) 5 KB Juliant   1
07:42, 31 October 2006 I18n locale information.png (file) 7 KB Leo   2
07:41, 31 October 2006 I18n translation.png (file) 16 KB Leo   2
07:39, 31 October 2006 I18n overview.png (file) 9 KB Leo version with nicer names 3
16:53, 30 October 2006 Class diagram for multiple constraints explanation.png (file) 10 KB Seilerm   3
13:55, 30 October 2006 Config basic layout.png (file) 7 KB Patrickr Basic layout of configuration. 1
12:18, 30 October 2006 Config libs.png (file) 18 KB Patrickr Configuration libraries layout 1
14:53, 25 October 2006 TransRep.jpg (file) 12 KB Konradm   2
12:12, 25 October 2006 SupplierPrecond.jpg (file) 13 KB Konradm   1
01:01, 25 October 2006 Preferences open mac.jpg (file) 56 KB Moriol   1
13:49, 24 October 2006 SC ABC.jpg (file) 15 KB Konradm   1
10:44, 23 October 2006 Example.jpg (file) 25 KB Konradm   2
19:59, 16 October 2006 Legal release agreement.doc (file) 209 KB Manus   1
16:11, 13 October 2006 Config example.png (file) 55 KB Patrickr   2
02:22, 30 June 2006 SynChé BON SYNTAX MESSAGE.png (file) 32 KB Maser BON diagram of the syntax message classes 1
02:21, 30 June 2006 SynChé BON PARSER.png (file) 47 KB Maser BON diagram of the parser library with the changes of the SynChé group 1
03:27, 26 June 2006 Logo synche.gif (file) 6 KB Indermum Logo of SynChé 1
02:40, 25 June 2006 Screen1.png (file) 18 KB Upeter   1
03:04, 24 June 2006 Screenshot simple.png (file) 69 KB Upeter   1
05:35, 21 June 2006 Aeccs Logo.png (file) 77 KB Carlo Manco Logo of AECCS (Advanced Eiffel Contract Checking System) 1
05:29, 21 June 2006 Aeccs.png (file) 77 KB Carlo Manco   2
02:04, 21 June 2006 Folding menu 1.png (file) 11 KB Sanakan edit-menu with shown folding-points command 2
02:03, 21 June 2006 Folding margin 2.png (file) 14 KB Sanakan folding-point - bar with line-numbers - bar 2
02:03, 21 June 2006 Folding margin 1.png (file) 11 KB Sanakan folding-point - bar only 2
08:33, 19 June 2006 Action timer screenshot.jpg (file) 85 KB Alan Fehr   1
22:04, 18 June 2006 Origamie.JPG (file) 6 KB Salmanasar   1
16:15, 17 June 2006 Folding margin 3.png (file) 6 KB Sanakan code-folding bar with breakpoint bar 1
03:39, 16 June 2006 Internationalization-ClassDiagram.png (file) 75 KB Trosim Diagram that shows the class structure of the Internationalization project. 1
07:03, 14 June 2006 Ec estudio archi.png (file) 79 KB Jfiat   1
05:06, 13 June 2006 Archi overview dotnet debug.png (file) 27 KB Jfiat   1
05:05, 13 June 2006 Archi overview classic debug.png (file) 21 KB Jfiat   1
05:05, 13 June 2006 Archi overview launch.png (file) 7 KB Jfiat   1
09:05, 5 June 2006 Eiffel bug C compile.png (file) 39 KB Gilles Error during C compile 2
22:59, 26 May 2006 Emu logo 03.png (file) 80 KB Etienner Reverted to earlier revision 3
11:44, 25 May 2006 Emu logo 01.png (file) 126 KB Kamala   2
11:42, 25 May 2006 Emu logo 02.png (file) 79 KB Kamala   1
10:35, 25 May 2006 Emu group.png (file) 126 KB Kamala   4
17:07, 22 May 2006 Ec-proof-of-concept.gif (file) 34 KB Jabernet Proof of concept Eiffelstudio with wavy red lines. 1
10:59, 12 May 2006 BON token text.png (file) 18 KB Jabernet BON diagram of important token classes 1
10:44, 30 April 2006 Caribbean0id.jpg (file) 155 KB Stephan   1
15:56, 26 April 2006 Cherry tree blossoms.jpg (file) 74 KB Leo Cherry tree blossoms, of course. Comes from the US gov. (Sometimes they do useful stuff) via , public domain. 1
12:21, 25 April 2006 Ebabylon.png (file) 18 KB Leo "logo" of internationalisation team 1
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