Running EiffelStudio in Workbench mode

Revision as of 16:18, 1 November 2006 by Manus (Talk | contribs) (Added way to build a delivery)

Starting from revision 6.0 of EiffelStudio, we made it easier to run side by side an official version of EiffelStudio and its workbench version. To make sure this functionality is enabled you need to create a separate delivery of EiffelStudio located at the same place as the official version with the _wkbench suffix.

Below we assume that you have installed the official release of EiffelStudio in the following directory /apps/EiffelXX:

The following commands will only work if executed under bash.

export SVNURL=
export NEW_ISE_EIFFEL=/apps/EiffelXX_wkbench
cd /apps
svn co $SVNURL/Delivery EiffelXX_wkbench

cd $NEW_ISE_EIFFEL/studio/spec
mkdir $ISE_PLATFORM/bin
mkdir $ISE_PLATFORM/include
mkdir $ISE_PLATFORM/lib

cp $EIFFEL_SRC/C/run-time/*.h $NEW_ISE_EIFFEL/studio/spec/$ISE_PLATFORM/include

On Unix, you need to do the following:

cp $EIFFEL_SRC/C/ $NEW_ISE_EIFFEL/studio/spec/$ISE_PLATFORM/include
cp $EIFFEL_SRC/C/run-time/lib* $NEW_ISE_EIFFEL/studio/spec/$ISE_PLATFORM/lib
cp $EIFFEL_SRC/C/run-time/x2c $NEW_ISE_EIFFEL/studio/spec/$ISE_PLATFORM/bin
cp ipc/daemon/ecdbgd $NEW_ISE_EIFFEL/studio/spec/$ISE_PLATFORM/bin

cd $NEW_ISE_EIFFEL/studio/config
cp -r unix $ISE_PLATFORM
cd $NEW_ISE_EIFFEL/studio/spec/$ISE_PLATFORM/bin
ln -s $NEW_ISE_EIFFEL/studio/spec/unix/finish_freezing .
ln -s $NEW_ISE_EIFFEL/studio/spec/unix/prelink .

On Windows, you need to do the following:

cp $EIFFEL_SRC/C/ $NEW_ISE_EIFFEL/studio/spec/$ISE_PLATFORM/include
cp $EIFFEL_SRC/C/run-time/lib* $NEW_ISE_EIFFEL/studio/spec/$ISE_PLATFORM/lib/$ISE_C_COMPILER
cp $EIFFEL_SRC/C/run-time/x2c.exe $NEW_ISE_EIFFEL/studio/spec/$ISE_PLATFORM/bin
cp ipc/daemon/ecdbgd.exe $NEW_ISE_EIFFEL/studio/spec/$ISE_PLATFORM/bin

cd $NEW_ISE_EIFFEL/studio/config
cp -r windows $ISE_PLATFORM