EiffelStudio 19.12 Releases

Revision as of 01:23, 1 August 2019 by Jfiat (Talk | contribs) (19.07 (July 31st 2019, beta 19.07))

Below are not the release notes of EiffelStudio. It is the change log of EiffelStudio intermediate releases and the most important changes are highlighted in green or in red (for breaking changes). The release notes of EiffelStudio can be found at the following URL. You can also download the latest revision here. Information about other version can be found under Category:Releases.

EiffelStudio 19.11.x Releases

Beta download: https://ftp.eiffel.com/pub/beta/

19.07 (July 31st 2019, beta 19.07)

Bug fixes

New features

  • compiler: Added support for manifest immutable strings, once manifest immutable strings, and immutable string constants. ex:
 {IMMUTABLE_STRING_32} "Unicode string..."  , once {IMMUTABLE_STRING_8} "once value"  , id: IMMUTABLE_STRING_8 = "abc"

Bug fixes

  • editor: fixed issue with verbatim strings followed by a character (bug#19527)
  • editor: fixed editor issue with manifest strings ending with %% such as "foo%%" (bug#19527)

User changes

Developer changes

beta 19.06 (July 1st 2019)

Bug fixes

New features

  • compiler: added support for full integer syntax in manifest character and manifest string syntax. Which means that: decimal %/8704/, hexadecimal %/0x2200/, octal %/0c21000/ and binary %/0b0010001000000000/ can be used in manifest character such as {CHARACTER_32} '%/0x2200/', and also in manifest string such as {STRING_32} "for all %/0x2200/".
  • EiffelWeb: improved the simple wsf proxy component with support for X-Forwarded-For ..., and Forwarded header.

Bug fixes

User changes

Developer changes

  • preferences: removed previous duplication with preferences_xml.ecf and preferences_reg.ecf that was causing conflicts. Now the default preferences storage is XML, except on Windows where it is Registry keys. And it is possible to override that default for Windows, using the custom variable <custom name="pref_default_storage" value="xml"/>