EiffelStudio 19.05 Releases

Revision as of 10:18, 1 February 2019 by Jvelilla (Talk | contribs) (New features)

Below are not the release notes of EiffelStudio. It is the change log of EiffelStudio intermediate releases and the most important changes are highlighted in green or in red (for breaking changes). The release notes of EiffelStudio can be found at the following URL. You can also download the latest revision here. Information about other version can be found under Category:Releases.

EiffelStudio 19.05.x Releases

Beta download: https://ftp.eiffel.com/pub/beta/19.05/

19.05.xx.yyyy ()

New features

  • EiffelStudio (error): Added an automated fix for violation of VDRS(4) that removes the associated feature name from the corresponding subclause redefine.
  • library (base): Added creation procedures make_open_temporary and make_open_temporary_with_prefix to the class
    FILE<e> to create temporary files.
  ===Improvements=== * EiffelStudio (error): Provided location for violations of <code lang="text">VDRS (4)</code>. * EiffelStudio (error): Supported a possibility to open all classes that are fixed automatically in the editor and to remember this choice for all subsequent fixes. The setting is also available in the preferences.   ===Bug fixes=== * library (logging): Fixed a C compiler warning for the call to the feature <code lang="C">syslog</code> that might lead to potential vulnerability if a message has embedded format specifiers. * compiler: bug#19437 (test#free025) — Fixed a bug preventing validity checks for class status of features used in unqualified calls in arguments to qualified calls inside a class feature (<code lang="text">VUCR</code>). * compiler: bug#19502 — Fixed a bug with checking target dependency in project settings (ECF) when only the first occurrence of a target was checked though some other dependencies could be invalid instead. * compiler: test#valid019, test#valid233, test#vdrs401, test#vdrs402, test#vdrs403 — Added missing checks for <code lang="text">VDRS(4)</code> when a deferred feature listed in the redefine subclause is effected or merged rather than redefined. {{Red|This may trigger <code lang="text">VDRS(4)</code> errors for existing code. The automatic fix associated with the bug report is backward compatible with previous versions of EiffelStudio and can be safely applied.}} * EiffelStudio: Avoided a crash when all editors are closed during the first compilation of a project.   ===Feature removed===   ===User changes=== * library (vision): Removed references to the obsolete class <e>EV_CURSOR, and moved conversion between EV_CURSOR and EV_POINTER_STYLE completely to EV_CURSOR.

Developer changes