Automatic Build Scripts

Revision as of 22:56, 24 April 2006 by Bayt (Talk | contribs) (Windows)

This page references different build scripts that automate the process of building EiffelStudio.


Bernardo Buss created a set of scripts for the automated compilation of EiffelStudio under Windows.

Updated "2_checkout_dev.bat" according to Checking out from SVN.

  • Additionally there is the checkout for two delivery paths, which are necessary for building the Delivery after compilation.
  • You may need to keep "2_checkout_dev.bat" up to date by yourself according to Checking out from SVN.


Bernd Schoeller has developed a build script available for download at

This script requires a single checkout from the SVN repository (with the EIFFEL_SVN environment variable pointing to it). It will compile the bench or the batch compiler (you need to modify the script for the second).


None yet.