Eventing in Services
Event specification is a little different from using action sequences in EiffelVision2 or in other action-based eventing systems. ESS should not use ACTION_SEQUENCE like in these other systems but a specialized type called EVENT_TYPE. There is a support framework for ESS wrapped around EVENT_TYPE and a observer design pattern to simplify use.
Event vs Action
A new eventing model was used in ESS as not to conflict of alter the existing mechanisms in EiffelBase. In addition, services act on or raises an "event". With respects to EiffelVision2 an action is event that is performed in response to some action.
Interface Designs
When designing interfaces or a service interface the event type to use is the base event type interface EVENT_TYPE_I
is actually the default implementation class for EVENT_TYPE_I
. The difference between EVENT_TYPE_I
and its implementation EVENT_TYPE
also implements EVENT_TYPE_PUBLISHER_I
. With respects to correct encapsulation design, an interfaces should always use EVENT_TYPE_I
because no interface should allow a client to publish an event. Events should only be raised in context.
deferred class INTERFACE_I inherit USABLE_I feature -- Events changed_event: !EVENT_TYPE [TUPLE [flags: INTEGER]] -- Events call when a change occurs require is_interface_usable: is_interface_usable deferred ensure result_consistent: Result ~ changed_event result_is_interface_usable: Result.is_interface_usable end end
class INTERFACE_OBSERVER feature -- Event Handler on_changed (a_flags: INTEGER) -- require is_interface_usable: {l_usable: USABLE_I} Current implies l_usable.is_interface_usable do end end
Event Connections and Observers
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