Testing Tool (Specification)
Main functionalities
Add unit/system level tests
Semantically there is no difference between unit tests and system level tests. This way all tests can be written in Eiffel. A test is a routine in a class inheriting from TEST_SET. Test routines must be exported to any and have the prefix test.
Example unit tests test_append and test_boolean
class TEST_STRING inherit TEST_SET redefine set_up end feature {NONE} -- Initialization set_up do create s.make (10) end feature -- Access s: STRING feature -- Test routines test_append require set_up: s /= Void and then s.is_empty do s.append ("12345") assert_string_equality ("append", s, "12345") end test_boolean require set_up: s /= Void and then s.is_empty do s.append ("True") assert_true ("boolean", s.is_boolean and then s.to_boolean) end end
Example system level test test_version (Note: SYSTEM_LEVEL_TEST_SET inherits from TEST_SET and provides basic functionality for executing external commands, including the system currently under development):
class TEST_MY_APP inherit SYSTEM_LEVEL_TEST_SET feature -- Test routines test_version do run_system_with_args ("--version") assert_string_equality ("version", last_output, "my_app version 0.1") end end