Xebra Tutorial

Revision as of 07:59, 30 June 2009 by Fabioz (Talk | contribs)

Create a webapp

  1. Setup an initial Eiffel project for your webapp. For that matter you can use this script which creates all neccesary files. Make sure to assign a free port to your webapp (see also Xebra Webapp Config File). The webapp has to be created in the same folder that is specified in the servers config file at webapps_root. See Xebra Server Config File for more information.
  2. Run the server and browse to http://localhost/yourwebapp. The server will translate and compile your webapp. Once compiled, you should see a page displaying "Yourwebapp works!".
  3. Create xeb files for your webapp. See Xebra Xeb-Files for a documentation about xeb files. Note that you have to let the server retranslate your webapp everytime you change xeb-files or add new xeb-files. This can be done by just pressing F5 in the browser. The server automatically detects that the webapp has to be retranslated if it is set to Development Mode (see Xebra Server Administration for more info).
  4. Create the eiffel classes.