Difference between revisions of "User:Pvrohr"

(Compiling EiffelStudio on WinXP:)
(M2 June 16, 2006)
Line 15: Line 15:
==== M2 June 16, 2006 ====
==== M2 June 16, 2006 ====
Installed new release 5.7.59623 because it was recommended on es-devel and the previous version began to choke on current checkouts.
'''Step -1''': Installed new release 5.7.59623 because it was recommended on es-devel and the previous version began to choke on current checkouts.
'''Step 0''': Setting the environment variables:
rem ******
rem Cygwin
rem ======
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\cygwin\bin
rem ************
rem EiffelStudio
rem ============
rem General Eiffel path
rem Eiffel source directory
rem Eiffel delivery directory
rem *********
rem ISE Paths
rem =========
set ISE_EIFFEL=C:\Programme\Eiffel57\59623
set ISE_PLATFORM=windows
rem **********
rem Subversion
rem ==========
rem SVN checkout URL
set SVNURL=https://eiffelsoftware.origo.ethz.ch/svn/es
'''Step 1''': svn checkout
svn co %SVNURL%/branches/soft-arch/Src 57dev
svn co %SVNURL%/branches/soft-arch/Delivery 57dev/Delivery
svn co %SVNURL%/branches/soft-arch/free_add_ons 57dev/free_add_ons
rem the following update is also extended by revision number
cd 57dev
svn up
svn up free_add_ons
svn up Delivery
'''Step 2''': gobo extraction
cd %EIFFEL_SRC%\library
set file_cygwin=/cygdrive/%EIFFEL_SRC::=%/free_add_ons/gobo/gobo_34_win.tgz
set file_cygwin=%file_cygwin:\=/%
bash -c "tar -xvzf %file_cygwin%"
'''Step 3''': Compile Run-Time
call configure win32 m
'''Step 4''': Compile Libraries
cd %EIFFEL_SRC%/library/net/Clib
svn up %REVNRSTR%
call make_msc.bat
cd %EIFFEL_SRC%/library/vision2/Clib
svn up %REVNRSTR%
call make_msc.bat
cd %EIFFEL_SRC%/library/wel/Clib
svn up %REVNRSTR%
call make_msc.bat
'''Step 5''': Compile C-Libraries
cd %EIFFEL_SRC%/C_library/zlib
call make_msc.bat
cd %EIFFEL_SRC%/C_library/libpng
call make_msc.bat
'''Step 6''': Compile Compiler
cd %EIFFEL_SRC%/Eiffel/library/cli_writer/Clib
'''Step 7''': Compile EiffelStudio
cd %EIFFEL_SRC%\Eiffel\Ace
"%ISE_EIFFEL%\studio\spec\windows\bin\ec.exe" -config ec.ecf -target bench -c_compile
echo Running finish_freezing.exe...
cd "%EIFFEL_SRC%\Eiffel\Ace\EIFGENs\bench\W_code"
'''Conclusion''': Unfortunately doing the above on Revision 59860 produces a version that cannot create new base projects.

Revision as of 04:37, 16 June 2006

Compiling EiffelStudio on WinXP:

This section summarizes the so far rather painful process of compiling EiffelStudio. The platform for which the following description applies is MS Windows XP SP2 using the MSDN PSDK-x86.exe and the free MS C-compiler. The system was set up according to the description which can be found at: [[1]].

The compilation process follows the basic steps described at: [[2]].


M1 June 12, 2006

Installed the new release 5.7.59395 announced at [[3]]

Modified the automatic build scripts[[4]].

This led to a version of EiffelStudio that was able to create new basic projects. For some mysterious reasons the debugger worked also for simple projects, but nobody else could replicate this. Hence, it is not clear whether this debugger version was running correctly.

M2 June 16, 2006

Step -1: Installed new release 5.7.59623 because it was recommended on es-devel and the previous version began to choke on current checkouts.

Step 0: Setting the environment variables:

rem ******
rem Cygwin
rem ======
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\cygwin\bin

rem ************
rem EiffelStudio
rem ============
rem General Eiffel path
rem Eiffel source directory
rem Eiffel delivery directory

rem *********
rem ISE Paths
rem =========
set ISE_EIFFEL=C:\Programme\Eiffel57\59623
set ISE_PLATFORM=windows

rem **********
rem Subversion
rem ==========
rem SVN checkout URL
set SVNURL=https://eiffelsoftware.origo.ethz.ch/svn/es

Step 1: svn checkout

svn co %SVNURL%/branches/soft-arch/Src 57dev
svn co %SVNURL%/branches/soft-arch/Delivery 57dev/Delivery
svn co %SVNURL%/branches/soft-arch/free_add_ons 57dev/free_add_ons

rem the following update is also extended by revision number
cd 57dev
svn up 
svn up free_add_ons
svn up Delivery

Step 2: gobo extraction

cd %EIFFEL_SRC%\library

set file_cygwin=/cygdrive/%EIFFEL_SRC::=%/free_add_ons/gobo/gobo_34_win.tgz
set file_cygwin=%file_cygwin:\=/%

bash -c "tar -xvzf %file_cygwin%"

Step 3: Compile Run-Time

call configure win32 m

Step 4: Compile Libraries

cd %EIFFEL_SRC%/library/net/Clib
svn up %REVNRSTR%
call make_msc.bat

cd %EIFFEL_SRC%/library/vision2/Clib
svn up %REVNRSTR%
call make_msc.bat

cd %EIFFEL_SRC%/library/wel/Clib
svn up %REVNRSTR%
call make_msc.bat

Step 5: Compile C-Libraries

cd %EIFFEL_SRC%/C_library/zlib
call make_msc.bat

cd %EIFFEL_SRC%/C_library/libpng
call make_msc.bat

Step 6: Compile Compiler

cd %EIFFEL_SRC%/Eiffel/library/cli_writer/Clib

Step 7: Compile EiffelStudio

cd %EIFFEL_SRC%\Eiffel\Ace
"%ISE_EIFFEL%\studio\spec\windows\bin\ec.exe" -config ec.ecf -target bench -c_compile

echo Running finish_freezing.exe...
cd "%EIFFEL_SRC%\Eiffel\Ace\EIFGENs\bench\W_code"

Conclusion: Unfortunately doing the above on Revision 59860 produces a version that cannot create new base projects.