MacPorts Gtk Installation

Revision as of 10:53, 8 March 2007 by Manus (Talk | contribs)

Installing Gtk on Mac OS X with Macports

To use EiffelStudio on Mac OS X there is a prerequisite of installing the GTK library, this is performed by following the instructions in this link.

If you already have X11 and an up to date XCode (from which we need the gcc 4.0 compiler) you can go straight ahead to downloading the MacPorts package installer

If you don't have X11 or XCode you can follow the instructions from the following link.

To install MacPorts you double click the DarwinPorts-1.3.1-10.4.dmg and then execute the package contained within, you will be asked for you password in order to install. (I believe this is only the PowerPC installation, if you have an Intel machine this may need to be compiled from source).

When this is installed you need to open up the Applications/Utilities/Terminal application and execute the following command

sudo port install gtk2

This will download, compile and install the gtk2 library and all of its dependencies, this can take a few hours depending on the speed of the target machine.

Once this is done we can obtain the EiffelStudio Open Source package from the following page.

If you are using a PowerPC mac you can need to download the PPC package located here.

There is a link to the Intel zip on the EiffelOnMac page above.

Once that is downloaded, you can unzip the file, this will give you an 'EiffelStudio57-ppc Folder' folder, you need to double click on this and copy the (you will see an icon with EiffelStudio57) located within to the Developer/Applications folder.

One last thing you will need to do is to register the runtime files with Mac OS X. This is done by loading up the Terminal application (Applications/Utilities/Terminal) and then performing the following.

cd  /Developer/Applications/
ranlib *.a

Once registered you should then be able to double click EiffelStudio application in Developer/Applications and EiffelStudio should execute.