GSOC Application

Revision as of 10:33, 11 March 2009 by Bmeyer (Talk | contribs) (What criteria do you use to select the members of your group?)

Link ID: eiffel

Group Name: Eiffel Software

Home Page URL:

Public Email: ...


Why is your group applying to participate? What do you hope to gain by participating?

In April 2007, Eiffel Software announced that EiffelStudio will be open source. Almost two years after opening the source code to the community at large, there has been some major contribution to the tool such as the testing framework. Some others are still work in progress (SCOOP, schema evolution, proofs, ...)

Being an open source project, it makes sense for Eiffel Software to participate in the Google Summer of Code in order to get more contributors to the technology as well as gaining in visibility among the open source community.

What is the main public mailing list for your group?

Where is the main IRC channel for your group?


What criteria do you use to select the members of your group?

Please be as specific as possible.

The most important conditions are:

  • The person should be an expert object-oriented developer, with design/architecture as well as implementation skills.
  • He or she should be thoroughly familiar with the architecture of EiffelStudio, and have contributed to it before.
  • They should have some project management experience, and be used to working with students and young engineers.
  • Finally, they must understand the purpose of the Google Summer of Code and agree with its objectives.

We have identified a group of such people who will be available as mentors. Some of them are at Eiffel Software. We also will rely on other experienced contributors to EiffelStudio, external to the company, who have expressed interest. Some are Eiffel programmers who contribute to the technology on their spare time. We will also have one or two people from the Chair of Software Engineering at ETH Zurich (the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), which has extensive experience with Eiffel and has already made major contributions to EiffelStudio, in particular in the area of automated testing.

Has your group participated previously?

If so, please summarize your involvement and any past successes and failures.

If your group has not previously participated, have you applied in the past?

If so, for what sort of participation?

What license does your organization use?

We use GPLv2 for most of the EiffelStudio code and EFLv2 for the libraries.

What is the URL to the ideas list of your organization?

What is the main development mailing list for your group?

What is the application template you would like contributors to your organization to use.?

What is your plan for dealing with disappearing contributors?

What is your plan for dealing with disappearing members?

What steps will you take to encourage contributors to interact with your community before, during, and after the program?

What will you do to ensure that your accepted contributors stick with the project after the program concludes?

Please select your backup group administrator