EiffelStudio 7.3 Releases

Revision as of 08:36, 28 March 2013 by Manus (Talk | contribs) (Bug fixes)

Below are not the release notes of EiffelStudio. It is the change log of EiffelStudio intermediate releases and the most important changes are highlighted in green or in red (for breaking changes). The release notes of EiffelStudio can be found at the following URL. You can also download the latest revision here. Information about other version can be found under Category:Releases.

EiffelStudio 7.3.x Releases

Beta download: ftp://beta:beta57@ftp.eiffel.com/7.3/

7.3.x.y (...)

New features


Feature removed

Bug fixes

  • base: Fixed bug#18559 in SED_MEMORY_READER_WRITER where if you retrieve a large chunk, we would not allocate enough memory. (rev#92366).
  • wel/vision2: Fixed an issue with {WEL_CHOOSE_FOLDER_DIALOG} where `set_starting_path' had no effect (rev#92337).
  • compiler: test#scoop020 - Fixed a bug that caused incorrect conformance checks for formal generics of different separate status(rev#92353).
  • compiler: test#scoop020 - Fixed a bug that might cause incorrect conformance checks for attachment and separateness status of a constrained formal generic parameter against a class type (rev#92358).
  • compiler: test#scoop021 - Fixed a C code generation bug that might cause an access on an invalid address during object test evaluation with an expression of a separate type (rev#92355).
  • studio: Fixed the bug that a class directly belongs to a cluster (no folder layer in between) could not be located by the locating function in Groups tool. (rev#92369)
  • studio: Fixed a memory corruption that would occur when you have multiple errors during a compilation and you are opening each error in its own tab editor, after opening 4 or 5 tabs, EiffelStudio could become unstable. (rev#92368)

User changes

Developer changes (Monday March 18th 2013)

New features

  • vision2: Added {EV_PIXEL_BUFFER}.stretched which gives you a stretched version of an EV_PIXEL_BUFFER. The quality of the stretch image is much better than of EV_PIXMAP for Windows. On Unix it is the same quality as EV_PIXMAP. (rev#91208)
  • base: Added ability to store/retrieve expanded objects with SED (but not yet those that are reference with copy semantics).
  • EiffelStudio: Completion window tooltip with contracts.
  • EiffelStudio: Debug tooltip that display value of expression when mouse pointer moves over.


  • vision2: Improved stretching of EV_PIXMAP on Windows by using the Color on Color stretching mode of the Win32 API StretchBlt. (rev#91207)
  • autotest: Now tests will be executed under the location of the ECFs, and not in the Testing subdirectory of the EIFGENs directory. (rev#91247)

Feature removed

  • Dropped BIT type.

Bug fixes

  • vision2: Fixed {EV_GRID_COLUMN}.required_width_of_item_span to only take into account visible item. (code review#9356052 and rev#91224).
  • vision2: Fixed a resizing bug when you have a vertical/horizontal box with a minimum size set, if one of the item has a minimum size larger than its parent, then in some circumstances the child will be shrinked beyond its minimum size causing some visual glitches. See regression tests TEST_EV_CONTAINER.test_horizontal_box_resizing and TEST_EV_CONTAINER.test_vertical_box_resizing for scenario. (code review#9351166 and rev#91251).
  • wel: Fixed a 64-bit truncation bug in WEL which was only found when compiling a Vision2 project using an EV_COMBO_BOX on Windows 8 using VCExpress 2012. (rev#91290).
  • vision2/wel: Fixed a memory corruption that would occur when loading a 32-bit BMP image as a background image of a container in a 16-bit or lower display. (rev#91377).

User changes

  • base: Storables made using SED from version 6.6 or earlier of EiffelStudio not using the `is_for_fast_retrieval' setting won't be recoverable.

Developer changes