EiffelStudio 6.1 Releases

Revision as of 10:29, 15 October 2007 by Manus (Talk | contribs) (New features)

Below are not the release notes of EiffelStudio. It is the change log of EiffelStudio intermediate releases and the most important changes are highlighted in green or in red (for breaking changes). The release notes of EiffelStudio can be found at the following URL. You can also download the latest revision here. Information about other version can be found under Category:Releases.

EiffelStudio 6.1.x Releases


Placeholder for new stuff since last intermediate release.

New features

  • More than one error is reported at degree 3: all classes are compiled at degree 3 and all errors are displayed at the end.
  • New replay execution mechanism in debugger: record an execution to replay it. This is useful when debugging a complex system where you just encountered a bug. At this point, play back the execution to find where the problem really occurred without restarting your debug session.

Feature removed

Bug fixes

  • compiler: Fixed a potential infinite loop during degree 5 when a class has a change that requires all its syntactical suplier to be recompiled (e.g. adding/removing a formal generic paramter)
  • studio: Fixed errors and warnings tool counter corruption issue when opening multiple windows.
  • studio: Fixed profiler which would give random results when analyzing the output of a finalized execution.
  • vision2: Fixed issue with the `wel_hook.dll' not working anymore on 32-bit platforms.

User changes

Developer changes (October 1st)

New features

  • runtime: Implemented on Windows the GC_INFO features: cpu_* and sys_*.
  • studio: Completion list now repeatedly shows after pressing '.' when the completion list is active.
  • studio: Completion list no longer shows obsolete items by default. Added completion list/preference options to enable/disable this.
  • studio: Made use of new confirmation dialogs.
  • studio: Added filter, and navigation aspects to the errors and warnings tool.
  • studio: Added a "-low" option to finish_freezing to run finish_freezing in a lower execution priority mode. The Eiffel compiler now launches finish_freezing in this mode by default.
  • studio: Compiler report more than one error during degree 5.
  • compiler: Sped up `full_class_checking' by a significant factor during degree 3 (went from 180s down to 80s).
  • compiler: Added new option `check_for_void_target' to detect call on Void targets in finalized mode. It can cause a slight performance degradation. It is now the default.

Feature removed

Bug fixes

  • studio: Fixed completion on (create {XXX}) expressions.
  • debugger: Fixed issue bug#13388: Duplicating a debugger profile which is selected results in 2 selected profiles
  • debugger: Fixed bug#13367: Conditional breakpoint with condition "not Result" crashes estudio
  • debugger: Fixed bug#13366: Please support Home and End keys in the Objects tool
  • studio: Fixed bug#13406: Positions pick and drop and external editors
  • compiler: Fixed test#exec280 where default_create was never called when it had an empty body. This would cause a problem if the creation's type is redefined in descendants.
  • runtime: Enabled `time accounting' on Windows to find how much time is spent in GC.

User changes

Developer changes

  • studio: Integrated new based implementation for all future dialogs and dialog prompts.
  • compiler: Continued improvements on new single line error and error context. (Please send all bug reports about unclear errors, only for the most recent release!) (August 14th)

New features

  • studio: All new Errors and Warning tool to replace Errors tool and Warnings tool.
  • studio: Tool tips now use variable width fonts instead of the editor mono-spaced fonts.
  • studio: C/C++ compilation failures now show up in as an error in the Errors and Warnings tool.

Feature removed

Bug fixes

  • vision2: Fixed a USER object leak on Windows in the Vision2 and WEL library for pixmaps and accelerators. This was causing EiffelStudio to not work properly after creating/closing many windows or when changing the layout of EiffelStudio many times.
  • installer: Fixed installer on Windows which would update the 6.0 registry keys.
  • mingw: Fixed some incorrect C compiler configuration files.

Developer changes

  • studio: Added Griffin service-based framework for EiffelStudio (August 2nd)

New features

  • Added support for the MinGW C compiler on Windows.
  • New default layout of EiffelStudio.

Roadmap to ISO/ECMA Eiffel

This important page describes the steps, accomplished and planned, towards completing the integration into the EiffelStudio compiler of the whole set of mechanisms specified by the ISO/ECMA international standard for the Eiffel language.

Major 6.1 features

See here.