EiffelStudio 6.0 Releases

Revision as of 14:31, 24 October 2006 by Juliant (Talk | contribs)

Below are not the release notes of EiffelStudio. It is the change log of EiffelStudio intermediate releases and the most important changes are highlighted in green or in red (for breaking changes). The release notes of EiffelStudio can be found at the following URL. You can also download the latest revision here. Information about other version can be found under Category:Releases.

EiffelStudio 6.0.x Releases


Placeholder for new stuff since last intermediate release.

New features

  • Possibility for "hidden/implementation" clusters in libraries, clusters that are not accessible if the library is used (like libraries in libraries are not accessible).
  • Don't do an expensive degree 6 when we freeze or finalize.
  • Newly added clusters are recursive by default.
  • Favorites are now stored in the user settings.
  • Warning if an environment variable has changed and opportunity to (temporarily) use the old, stored value
  • Trigger a full configuration rebuild if environment variables have changed
  • Added configurable (project to class-level) optimization for .NET project that will mark all classes frozen if they are not descended by another.
  • Add assemblies dialog shows more assembly information.
  • Some diagram generation for assemblies
  • Display documentation for .NET Framework assemblies on .NET 2.0
  • Display features tree for .NET classes.
  • Display uncompiled .NET classes.
  • New Debugging options dialog (to set the arguments and other)
  • Now we can pass modified environment variables to the debuggee application.
  • Externals (includes, objects, resources, ...) can now be relative to the ecf file by using the new replacement $ECF_CONFIG_PATH.
  • UUID is not needed for non library systems. If no uuid is specified a random one will be generated. (Startup dialog may not work correct if the config has not been saved with the random generated uuid)
  • Integers can now also be specified with binary and octal representation
  • Manifest characters can now also be specified with binary, octal and hexadecimal representation. Manifest characters can be specified up to 32 Bit.

Feature removed

Bug fixes

  • Don't do an expensive degree 6 if assertion level or similar project settings have changed.
  • Decreased amount of created GDI objects on windows in some grids.
  • Fixed a problem with externals in the project settings.
  • Fixed viewpoint handling for assemblies
  • Fixed output to file redirection in the process library on windows.
  • Fixed samples that would not compile.
  • Fixed a crash if a library without an UUID is used.
  • Fixed a problem that classes that were not visible before did not get compiled when they were made visible.

User changes

Developer changes