Revision as of 06:38, 8 January 2008 by Aleitner (Talk | contribs) (→CDD Meeting, Tuesday, 8.1.2008, 10:00)
CDD Meeting, Tuesday, 8.1.2008, 10:00
Next Meeting
- Friday, 11.1.2008, 10:00
- Add filters and tags for extracted, manual tests and automated tests
- Fix extraction for tuples -> DONE, but needs testing, there are probably still problems with agents, but it's not certain if related to tuples or extraction (Stefan)
- Look at/fix test case execution for agents (Stefan)
- Add non-commited test cases (Stefan)
- CDD log window in IDE (Arno)
- "New manual test case" Button (Arno)
- Better Icons for GUI (Arno)
- Status / Progress bar (Arno)
- Port to 6.1 (?, probably only after Beta 1)
- Manual re-run to find true prestate (Jocelyn, Stefan)
- Logging (Stefan)
- What data to log?
- Implement storing
- Define how students should submit logs
- Data Gathering (Stefan)
- Define what data to gather
- Define how to process gather data
- Forumulate Experiment Hypothesis (Andreas)
- Define Project for SoftEng (Manu)
- "Execute visible test cases only" Button (?)
- Restore open nodes and selection after grid update (Arno)
- Maybe better/easier solved via incremental updates from tree
- Automate CDD System level tests (Stefan)
- Install CDD in student labs (Manu)
- Pause test execution and compilation during regular compilation and execution (Arno)
- Add most important convenience routine to CDD_TEST_CASE (Stefan)
- Add failure context window (Arno)
- Maybe also additional information such as previous outcomes?
- Check why Gobo slows down compilation of project not using gobo when melting (performance issue for compiling interpreter)
Software Engineering Project
- One large project, but divided into testable subcomponents
- Students required to write test cases
- Fixed API to make things uniformly testable
- Public/Secret test cases (similar to Zeller course)
- Competitions:
- Group A test cases applied to Group A project
- Group A test cases applied to Groupt B project
Data to harvest
- Test Case Source (just final version, or all versions?)
- Use Profiler to get coverage approximation
- TC Meta Data (with timestamps)
- TC Added/Removed
- TC Outcome
- TC execution time
- Development Session Data
- IDE Startup
- File save
- Questionnairs
- Initial
- Final