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This code analyzes a class for all active ''standard'' rules. <e>class_pre_actions</e> and <e>class_post_actions</e> are action sequences that are identical to those for the AST nodes. <e>process_class_as</e>, which is implemented in <e>{AST_ITERATOR}</e> will recursively visit all relevant AST nodes and execute their action sequences.
This code analyzes a class for all active ''standard'' rules. <e>class_pre_actions</e> and <e>class_post_actions</e> are action sequences that are identical to those for the AST nodes. <e>process_class_as</e>, which is implemented in <e>{AST_ITERATOR}</e> will recursively visit all relevant AST nodes and execute their action sequences.
== Example: Rule # 71: ''Self-comparison'' ==
We will go through the implementation of rule # 71 (''Self-comparison'') in detail.
The heart of this implementation lies in the feature <e>analyze_self</e>. There it is tested whether a binary expression is s self-comparison. <e>is_self</e>, a <e>BOOLEAN</e> attribute, is set to true if and only if the argument is a comparison between two identical variables.
analyze_self (a_bin: attached BINARY_AS)
    -- Is `a_bin' a self-comparison?
    is_self := False
      attached {EXPR_CALL_AS} a_bin.left as l_e1
      and then attached {ACCESS_ID_AS} l_e1.call as l_l
      and then attached {EXPR_CALL_AS} a_bin.right as l_e2
      and then attached {ACCESS_ID_AS} l_e2.call as l_r
      is_self := l_l.feature_name.is_equal (l_r.feature_name)
      self_name := l_l.access_name_32
is_self: BOOLEAN
    -- Is `a_bin' from last call to `analyze_self' a self-comparison?
self_name: detachable STRING_32
    -- Name of the self-compared variable.
Both sides of the comparison, <e>a_bin.left</e> and <e>a_bin.right</e>, are tested to have the types that indicate that they are variable or feature accesses. If the tests succeed then <e>is_self</e> is set according to the equality of the two feature names. Then the name is stored in an internal attribute.
<e>analyze_self</e> is used in <e>process_comparison</e>, which creates a rule violation if a self-comparison was detected.
process_comparison (a_comparison: BINARY_AS)
    -- Checks `a_comparison' for rule violations.
    if not in_loop then
      analyze_self (a_comparison)
      if is_self then
        create l_viol.make_with_rule (Current)
        l_viol.set_location (a_comparison.start_location)
        l_viol.long_description_info.extend (self_name)
        violations.extend (l_viol)
First we check that we are not dealing with a loop condition. Self-comparisons in loop conditions are more dangerous and need special treatment (see below). For the rule violation, we set the location to the start location of the binary comparison. We add the variable or feature name to the violation.
Different kinds of comparisons also have different types in the AST. That is why in an AST iterator they are processed independently. Thus, we need to add some delegation to each of the actions that are called when processing a comparison.
process_bin_eq (a_bin_eq: BIN_EQ_AS)
    process_comparison (a_bin_eq)
process_bin_ge (a_bin_ge: BIN_GE_AS)
    process_comparison (a_bin_ge)
process_bin_gt (a_bin_gt: BIN_GT_AS)
    process_comparison (a_bin_gt)
process_bin_le (a_bin_le: BIN_LE_AS)
    process_comparison (a_bin_le)
process_bin_lt (a_bin_lt: BIN_LT_AS)
    process_comparison (a_bin_lt)
In the case that a loop condition is a self-comparison, the loop is either never entered or it is never exited. The last case is more severe; the first case only arises with an equality comparison. For this reason we analyze loop conditions separately. If we find such a violation we set <e>in_loop</e> to <e>True</e> so that any further self-comparisons are ignored until we have left the loop.
pre_process_loop (a_loop: LOOP_AS)
    -- Checking a loop `a_loop' for self-comparisons needs more work. If the until expression
    -- is a self-comparison that does not compare for equality then the loop will
    -- not terminate, which is more severe consequence compared to other self-comparisons.
    if attached {BINARY_AS} a_loop.stop as l_bin then
    analyze_self (l_bin)
    if is_self then
      create l_viol.make_with_rule (Current)
      l_viol.set_location (a_loop.stop.start_location)
      l_viol.long_description_info.extend (self_name)
      if not attached {BIN_EQ_AS} l_bin then
          -- It is only a dangerous loop stop condition if we do not have
          -- an equality comparison.
        l_viol.long_description_info.extend ("loop_stop")
      violations.extend (l_viol)
      in_loop := True
<e>format_violation_description</e>, which is declared in <e>CA_RULE</e> as <e>deferred</e>, must be implemented. Here, together with a predefined localized text, we mention the name of the self-compared variable. If the self-comparison is located in a loop stop condition we add an additional warning text.
format_violation_description (a_violation: attached CA_RULE_VIOLATION; a_formatter: attached TEXT_FORMATTER)
    l_info: LINKED_LIST [ANY]
    l_info := a_violation.long_description_info
    a_formatter.add ("'")
    if l_info.count >= 1 and then attached {STRING_32} l_info.first as l_name then
      a_formatter.add_local (l_name)
    a_formatter.add (ca_messages.self_comparison_violation_1)
    if l_info.has ("loop_stop") then
        -- Dangerous loop stop condition.
      a_formatter.add (ca_messages.self_comparison_violation_2)
Then we must implement the usual properties.
title: STRING_32
    Result := ca_names.self_comparison_title
id: STRING_32 = "CA071"
    -- <Precursor>
description: STRING_32
    Result :=  ca_names.self_comparison_description
Finally, in the initialization we use the default settings, which can be set by calling <e>{CA_RULE}.make_with_defaults</e>. To the default severity score we assign a custom value. In <e>register_actions</e> we must add all the agents for processing the loop and comparison nodes of the AST.
feature {NONE} -- Initialization
      -- Initialization.
      default_severity_score := 70
feature {NONE} -- Activation
  register_actions (a_checker: attached CA_ALL_RULES_CHECKER)
      a_checker.add_bin_eq_pre_action (agent process_bin_eq)
      a_checker.add_bin_ge_pre_action (agent process_bin_ge)
      a_checker.add_bin_gt_pre_action (agent process_bin_gt)
      a_checker.add_bin_le_pre_action (agent process_bin_le)
      a_checker.add_bin_lt_pre_action (agent process_bin_lt)
      a_checker.add_loop_pre_action (agent pre_process_loop)
      a_checker.add_loop_post_action (agent post_process_loop)
The complete source code of this rule is available in the [https://svn.eiffel.com/eiffelstudio/branches/eth/eve/Src/framework/code_analysis/rules/expressions/ca_self_comparison_rule.e SVN repository].
== Example: Rule # 2: ''Unused argument'' ==
The complete source code of this rule is available in the [https://svn.eiffel.com/eiffelstudio/branches/eth/eve/Src/framework/code_analysis/rules/features/ca_unused_argument_rule.e SVN repository].

Revision as of 08:37, 9 March 2014

<< 6. Adding New Rules | 8. UI Implementation > >

The code for Code Analysis is located at three different places in the EVE source:

  1. The framework—by far the largest part, with the rule checking, the rules, the control flow graph functionality, and more—is represented as a library;
  2. The graphical user interface can be found in the interface cluster of EVE;
  3. The command-line interface for code analysis is a single class in the tty cluster of EVE.

The whole code analysis framework is located in the library code_analysis.

Class Relations

The following diagram shows an overview of the relations between the classes of the code analysis framework. All classes are located in the code_analysis library except for CLASS_C (EiffelStudio), ROTA_TIMED_TASK_I (ecosystem cluster), EWB_CODE_ANALYSIS (command-line interface), and ES_CODE_ANALYSIS_BENCH_HELPER (GUI).

The most interesting classes of the code analysis framework.


In this section it is explained from a client view how to use the code analyzer. The code analyzer is represented by the class CA_CODE_ANALYZER, so a client must have or access an instance of this class. Before the analyzer can be launched all the classes that shall be analyzed must be added using one of the following features. If you use more than one of these commands then the added classes from all commands will be conjoined.

Adds all the classes that are part of the current system. Classes of referenced libraries will not be added. So, for example, if your system consists of the classes MY_MAIN, MY_BOX, and MY_ITEM then these three classes will be added to the list of classes to be analyzed.
.add_class (a_class: attached CONF_CLASS) 
Adds a single class.
.add_classes (a_classes: attached ITERABLE [attached CONF_CLASS]) 
Adds a list of classes.
.add_cluster (a_cluster: attached CLUSTER_I) 
Adds all classes of a cluster (and all the classes of the sub-clusters recursively).
.add_group (a_group: attached CONF_GROUP) 
Adds all classes of a configuration group. An example of a configuration group is a library.

Here are other features which can be called before starting to analyze:

Removes all classes that have been added to the list of classes to analyze.
.add_completed_action (a_action: attached PROCEDURE [ANY, TUPLE [ITERABLE [TUPLE [detachable EXCEPTION, CLASS_C]]]]) 
Adds `a_action' to the list of procedures that will be called when analysis has completed. The procedures have one argument, a list of exceptions (with the corresponding class). In the case an exception is thrown during analysis the exception is caught by the code analyzer and is added to this list. In the graphical user interface such exceptions would show up as errors at the top of the list of rule violations.
.add_output_action (a_action: attached PROCEDURE [ANY, TUPLE [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]]) 
Adds `a_action' to the procedures that are called for outputting the status. The final results (rule violations) are not given to these procedures. These output actions are used by the command-line mode and by the status bar in the GUI.
.is_rule_checkable (a_rule: attached CA_RULE): BOOLEAN 
Tells whether `a_rule' will be checked based on the current preferences and based on the current checking scope (whole system or custom set of classes).

Then, to start analyzing simply call {CA_CODE_ANALYZER}.analyze.

Rule checking

In the GUI we want to be able to continue to work while the code analyzer is running. Analyzing larger sets of classes (such as whole libraries) can take from several seconds to several minutes. For this reason the code analyzer uses an asynchronous task, {CA_RULE_CHECKING_TASK}. In {CA_CODE_ANALYZER}.analyze this task (l_task) is invoked as follows:

In {CA_CODE_ANALYZER}.analyze:

create l_task.make (l_rules_checker, l_rules_to_check, classes_to_analyze, agent analysis_completed)
l_task.set_output_actions (output_actions)
rota.run_task (l_task)

{CA_RULE_CHECKING_TASK} essentially runs the whole analysis. Like all other conformants to {ROTA_TASK_I} this class executes a series of steps between which the user interface gets some time to process its events. In {CA_RULE_CHECKING_TASK} each step analyses one class. This means that a class is checked by all the rules for violations. The following code does that:


    -- <Precursor>
    if has_next_step then
        -- Gather type information
      type_recorder.analyze_class (classes.item)
      context.set_node_types (type_recorder.node_types)
      context.set_checking_class (classes.item)
      across rules as l_rules loop
          -- If rule is non-standard then it will not be checked by l_rules_checker.
          -- We will have the rule check the current class here:
          and then attached {CA_CFG_RULE} l_rules.item as l_cfg_rule
          l_cfg_rule.check_class (classes.item)
        -- Status output.
      if output_actions /= Void then
        output_actions.call ([ca_messages.analyzing_class (classes.item.name)])
      rules_checker.run_on_class (classes.item)
      has_next_step := not classes.after
      if not has_next_step then
        completed_action.call ([exceptions])
      -- Instant error output.
    if output_actions /= Void then
      output_actions.call ([ca_messages.error_on_class (classes.item.name)])
    exceptions.extend ([exception_manager.last_exception, classes.item])
      -- Jump to the next class.
    has_next_step := not classes.after
    if not has_next_step then
      completed_action.call ([exceptions])

type_recorder is of type {CA_AST_TYPE_RECORDER}. It uses a functionality of the Eiffel compiler to determine the type of some AST nodes in the current class. The AST itself (as provided by the Eiffel compiler) does not contain any type information. context has type {CA_ANALYSIS_CONTEXT} and contains any side-information such as the previously mentioned types and the current class. The rules were given this context before so that they can access it when needed.

The across loop only checks control flow graph rules. All the standard rules are checked by the line rules_checker.run_on_class (classes.item). rules_checker has type {CA_ALL_RULES_CHECKER}. This is the class where each rule must register the AST nodes the rule visits. run_on_class iterates over the AST and calls all the actions that were registered by the standard rules. So this is the way all rules are used to check the current class. step is executed repeatedly until there are no classes left to analyze.

In the rescue clause all possible exceptions are caught and recorded. In case of such an exception it then proceeds to the next class.

Checking Standard Rules

The relatively large class {CA_ALL_RULES_CHECKER} is responsible for checking standard rules. It does this in a straightforward way. It is a subclass of {AST_ITERATOR}, a realization of a visitor on the AST.

Rules can register their actions with {CA_ALL_RULES_CHECKER} by calling a procedure like add_bin_lt_pre_action (a_action: attached PROCEDURE [ANY, TUPLE [BIN_LT_AS]]) or add_if_post_action (a_action: attached PROCEDURE [ANY, TUPLE [IF_AS]]). These "pre" and "post" actions exist for many other types of AST nodes as well. All the registered actions are stored in ACTION_SEQUENCE variables:

if_pre_actions, if_post_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [TUPLE [IF_AS]]
add_if_post_action (a_action: attached PROCEDURE [ANY, TUPLE [IF_AS]])
    if_post_actions.extend (a_action)
-- And similar for all other relevant AST nodes...

The corresponding visitor procedures are redefined. This is done is the following way:

process_if_as (a_if: IF_AS)
    if_pre_actions.call ([a_if])
    Precursor (a_if)
    if_post_actions.call ([a_if])
-- And similar for all other relevant AST nodes...

Since the actual iteration over the AST is done in the ancestor we need only very little code to analyze a class:

feature {CA_RULE_CHECKING_TASK} -- Execution Commands
  run_on_class (a_class_to_check: CLASS_C)
      -- Check all rules that have added their agents.
      l_ast: CLASS_AS
      last_run_successful := False
      l_ast := a_class_to_check.ast
      class_pre_actions.call ([l_ast])
      process_class_as (l_ast)
      class_post_actions.call ([l_ast])
      last_run_successful := True

This code analyzes a class for all active standard rules. class_pre_actions and class_post_actions are action sequences that are identical to those for the AST nodes. process_class_as, which is implemented in {AST_ITERATOR} will recursively visit all relevant AST nodes and execute their action sequences.

Example: Rule # 71: Self-comparison

We will go through the implementation of rule # 71 (Self-comparison) in detail.

The heart of this implementation lies in the feature analyze_self. There it is tested whether a binary expression is s self-comparison. is_self, a BOOLEAN attribute, is set to true if and only if the argument is a comparison between two identical variables.

analyze_self (a_bin: attached BINARY_AS)
    -- Is `a_bin' a self-comparison?
    is_self := False
      attached {EXPR_CALL_AS} a_bin.left as l_e1
      and then attached {ACCESS_ID_AS} l_e1.call as l_l
      and then attached {EXPR_CALL_AS} a_bin.right as l_e2
      and then attached {ACCESS_ID_AS} l_e2.call as l_r
      is_self := l_l.feature_name.is_equal (l_r.feature_name)
      self_name := l_l.access_name_32
is_self: BOOLEAN
    -- Is `a_bin' from last call to `analyze_self' a self-comparison?
self_name: detachable STRING_32
    -- Name of the self-compared variable.

Both sides of the comparison, a_bin.left and a_bin.right, are tested to have the types that indicate that they are variable or feature accesses. If the tests succeed then is_self is set according to the equality of the two feature names. Then the name is stored in an internal attribute.

analyze_self is used in process_comparison, which creates a rule violation if a self-comparison was detected.

process_comparison (a_comparison: BINARY_AS)
    -- Checks `a_comparison' for rule violations.
    if not in_loop then
      analyze_self (a_comparison)
      if is_self then
        create l_viol.make_with_rule (Current)
        l_viol.set_location (a_comparison.start_location)
        l_viol.long_description_info.extend (self_name)
        violations.extend (l_viol)

First we check that we are not dealing with a loop condition. Self-comparisons in loop conditions are more dangerous and need special treatment (see below). For the rule violation, we set the location to the start location of the binary comparison. We add the variable or feature name to the violation.

Different kinds of comparisons also have different types in the AST. That is why in an AST iterator they are processed independently. Thus, we need to add some delegation to each of the actions that are called when processing a comparison.

process_bin_eq (a_bin_eq: BIN_EQ_AS)
    process_comparison (a_bin_eq)
process_bin_ge (a_bin_ge: BIN_GE_AS)
    process_comparison (a_bin_ge)
process_bin_gt (a_bin_gt: BIN_GT_AS)
    process_comparison (a_bin_gt)
process_bin_le (a_bin_le: BIN_LE_AS)
    process_comparison (a_bin_le)
process_bin_lt (a_bin_lt: BIN_LT_AS)
    process_comparison (a_bin_lt)

In the case that a loop condition is a self-comparison, the loop is either never entered or it is never exited. The last case is more severe; the first case only arises with an equality comparison. For this reason we analyze loop conditions separately. If we find such a violation we set in_loop to True so that any further self-comparisons are ignored until we have left the loop.

pre_process_loop (a_loop: LOOP_AS)
    -- Checking a loop `a_loop' for self-comparisons needs more work. If the until expression
    -- is a self-comparison that does not compare for equality then the loop will
    -- not terminate, which is more severe consequence compared to other self-comparisons.
    if attached {BINARY_AS} a_loop.stop as l_bin then
    analyze_self (l_bin)
    if is_self then
      create l_viol.make_with_rule (Current)
      l_viol.set_location (a_loop.stop.start_location)
      l_viol.long_description_info.extend (self_name)
      if not attached {BIN_EQ_AS} l_bin then
          -- It is only a dangerous loop stop condition if we do not have
          -- an equality comparison.
        l_viol.long_description_info.extend ("loop_stop")
      violations.extend (l_viol)
      in_loop := True

format_violation_description, which is declared in CA_RULE as deferred, must be implemented. Here, together with a predefined localized text, we mention the name of the self-compared variable. If the self-comparison is located in a loop stop condition we add an additional warning text.

format_violation_description (a_violation: attached CA_RULE_VIOLATION; a_formatter: attached TEXT_FORMATTER)
    l_info: LINKED_LIST [ANY]
    l_info := a_violation.long_description_info
    a_formatter.add ("'")
    if l_info.count >= 1 and then attached {STRING_32} l_info.first as l_name then
      a_formatter.add_local (l_name)
    a_formatter.add (ca_messages.self_comparison_violation_1)
    if l_info.has ("loop_stop") then
        -- Dangerous loop stop condition.
      a_formatter.add (ca_messages.self_comparison_violation_2)

Then we must implement the usual properties.

title: STRING_32
    Result := ca_names.self_comparison_title
id: STRING_32 = "CA071"
    -- <Precursor>
description: STRING_32
    Result :=  ca_names.self_comparison_description

Finally, in the initialization we use the default settings, which can be set by calling {CA_RULE}.make_with_defaults. To the default severity score we assign a custom value. In register_actions we must add all the agents for processing the loop and comparison nodes of the AST.

feature {NONE} -- Initialization
      -- Initialization.
      default_severity_score := 70
feature {NONE} -- Activation
  register_actions (a_checker: attached CA_ALL_RULES_CHECKER)
      a_checker.add_bin_eq_pre_action (agent process_bin_eq)
      a_checker.add_bin_ge_pre_action (agent process_bin_ge)
      a_checker.add_bin_gt_pre_action (agent process_bin_gt)
      a_checker.add_bin_le_pre_action (agent process_bin_le)
      a_checker.add_bin_lt_pre_action (agent process_bin_lt)
      a_checker.add_loop_pre_action (agent pre_process_loop)
      a_checker.add_loop_post_action (agent post_process_loop)

The complete source code of this rule is available in the SVN repository.

Example: Rule # 2: Unused argument

The complete source code of this rule is available in the SVN repository.