.NET Namespace Generation

Revision as of 10:09, 19 March 2007 by Manus (Talk | contribs)

Reference example

Assume the following directory structure:

cluster root
  class A
  directory d1
    class B
  directory d2
    class C

List of Settings

  • At the target level you can specify the following:
  1. .NET Namespace (NN): Namespace in which all classes will be put in.
  2. Use Cluster Name as Namespace (UCNN): If specified, cluster name will be part of the namespace.
  3. Use Recursive Cluster Name as Namespace (URCNN): If specified, then the path to the class will be part of the namespace.

To make things clearer here is all the possible combinations and their results:

  1. NN set to N: N.A, N.B and N.C
  2. UCNN set to True: root.A, root.B and root.C
  3. URCNN set to True: A, d1.B and d2.C
    1. UCNN and URCNN set to True: root.A, root.d1.B and root.d2.C
  4. NN set to N:
    1. UCNN set to True: N.root.A, N.root.B and N.root.C
    2. URCNN set to True: N.A, N.d1.B and N.d2.C
      1. UCNN and URCNN set to True: N.root.A, N.root.d1.B and N.root.d2.C

Mixing With Libraries
