Author: Matthias Konrad
Known problems of the following text: Calls to targets of type like Current do not include usage of an attribute when it is assigned to.
One definition of replication is: the action or process of reproducing or duplicating.
Both ETL, OOSC2 and the standard use the term replication as if its semantics were common knowledge. I disagree to that, since I was not able to get consistent information about replication from notable experts. Hence it is certainly a term to be defined much more carefully.
Although not explicitly stated, it seems that a replicated feature has an unfolded form. That would mean, that we could get rid of replication by reducing it to other language mechanisms (As it is done for precursors). This is how the current ISE compiler (5.7 and earlier) handles replication (won't help us here since it doesn't comply to the standard).
If an unfolded form cannot be found, this has a huge impact on the standards text. The semantics of unqualified calls in the context of replicated features would for example not be defined.
Talking about features
Before digging into the replication rules we need a clear understanding of a feature.
There is a one to one connection between feature and Feature_body. Every feature has exacly one body. Every body belongs to exactly one feature. Meaning that, two different bodies belong to two different features and two different features have two different bodies.
Have a look at this example:
class B feature f do ... end end |
class D inherit B rename f as f1 select f1 end B rename f as f2 redefine f2 end feature f2 do ... end end |
The following sentences apply to the above system:
- The system has two features.
- The feature named f1 in class D and the feature named f in class B are one and the same feature.
- Feature f1 of class D and feature f of class B are the same feature.
- Feature f2 of class D or the feature named f2 in class D. This feature has its body defined in class D.
By saying feature, we indirectly reference a certain Feature_body. Indirectly, because we can say: "feature f of a class D", when the Feature_body of f belongs to an Ancestor class A of D (Given that f is not redeclared on the inheritance path between A and D).
The name of feature f is always the name stated in its Feature_body. A feature may have different names in different classes (through renaming). It is thus legal to say: "Feature f with name fn in class D, when feature f is renamed to fn somewhere along the according inheritance path.
When we talk about feature bodies we are not strictly boud to the bodies occuring in the programms text. We may also denote the bodies that are results of folded forms. Examples are the body of a synonym or the body of a call-equivalent of an inline-agent or the body of a replicate as we will later see.
A version of a feature f is a feature f2 different from f that is a redeclaration from either f or a version of f.
New and modified rules
In the following a set of rules are given that are meant to replace rules 8.16.2 through 8.16.5.
8.16.2 Semantics: Repeated Inheritance rule
This rule will be obsolete but some thing similar might be introduced as informal text.
8.16.3 Definition: Replication, Replica
- Class D have a parent part P1 lists class B1.
- f be a non-deferred feature of class B1
- Let P1 be such, that it changes the name of feature f to rn (With our without renaming) but doesn't have a redefine clause for rn.
The feature r of class D with name fn is replicated iif one of the following holds:
- Class D has a parent part P2 (different from P1) that lists class B2, such that B2 contains feature f and P2 changes its name to rn2 (different from rn) but doesn't redefine it.
- Class D has a feature g different from r that is a version of feature f.
So feature r is either replicated and is thus called a replica of feature f. When it is not replicated, feature f and r are the same (Not just equal, but one and the same feature).
- Example:
class B feature f do ... end end |
class C inherit B rename f as f1 redefine f1 end feature f1 do ... end end |
class D inherit C select f1 end B rename f as f2 redefine f2 end B rename f as f3 end feature f2 do ... end end |
- Feature f1 of class D is not replicated in class D.
- Feature f2 of class D is not replicated in class D.
- Feature f3 of class D is replicated in class D. Feature f3 of class D is a replica of feature f of class B
8.16.X Validity: replicated feature
Let feature r with name rn of class D be a replica of feature f. Let P1...Pn be the parent clauses that list classes B1...Bn that contain feature f such that P1..Pn change the name of f to rn.
Feature r is a valid replicate if f satisfies the following:
Every feature m that is used in f on a target of type like Current must be inherited through clauses P1...Pn with the same name and version.
- Example:
class B feature f do g end g do ... end end |
class D inherit B rename f as f1, rename g as g1, select f1, g1 end B rename f as f2, g as g2 end B rename f as f2, g as g3 end feature f1 do ... end end |
There are several features that are replicated in D: f1, g1, f2, g2, g3. Only f2 is not a valid replicated feature in D. It is inherited through the second and third parent part and has a call to g (with target of type like Current). Since g of class B is inherited with a different name through the second and third parent part the system is not valid.
8.16.X Semantics: Replication
- feature r with name rn in class D be replicated.
- feature r be the replica of a feature f.
- P1...Pn be the parent clauses of D that:
- List classes that contain feature f.
- Change the name of f to rn (with possible renaming).
- Do not have a redefine rn clause.
- B be the class that contains the body of f.
- CP be one of the conformance paths from B to D that enter D through the parent parts P1.
The unfolded form of the replica r has a redefine rn clause in P1,...,Pn and a declaration with the follwoing properties:
- It has the same signature as f.
- Its name is rn.
- Its body is a modified copy of the body of f. The feature names that are used with targets of type like current are renamed according to the renamings that occur on the conformance path CP.
- It has no pre- or post-condition.
- The validity rule of not isolated features warrant, that all the conformance paths from B over P1..Pn to D yield the the same renamings.
- Example:
class B feature f do g end g do end end |
class D inherit B rename f as f1, g as g1 redefine f1 select f1, g1 end rename f as f2, g as g2 end feature f1 do ... end end |
The replicated features of class D are g1, f1 and g2. The following snippet shows class D replica unfolded:
8.16.4 Validity: Call Sharing rule
(The rule described here would replace 8.16.4. Maybe an other name is needed for the rule)
It is valid for a feature f of class D that has its body defined in class B (this implies that f is not replicated in class D) to use feature g of class A on a target of type like Current if and only if there is exactly one version of g in D.
- This rule implies one very simple property of calls to targets of type like Current, they are not influenced by selects.
- Example of an invalid System according to this rule:
class B feature f do g end g do ... end end |
class D inherit B rename g as g1 redefine g1 select g1 end B rename g as g2 redefine g2 end feature g1 do ... end g2 do ... end end |
Feature f is inherited by class D from ancestor A. The feature involves an unqualified call to feature g. Since feature g has two versions in D (g1 and g2) the system is invalid. If f would be renamed in one or both the parent parts, the system could be made valid.
8.16.5 Semantics: Replication Semantics rule
Rather than a semantic rule this is a consequence of all the not isolated features of a class being unfolded.