Google Summer Of Code
Welcome to the EiffelStudio's particupation in the Google Summer of Code 2009. You will find below a list of project suggestions.
If you have a suggestion, create a new page describing your project using this template and reference it below.
If you are a student, you can participate by developing one of the projects below (or even propose your own!). You will be mentored by an experienced member of the Eiffel Software team.
What is the Google Summer of Code?
Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global program that offers student developers stipends to write code for various open source software projects.
Read the Google Summer of Code 2009 FAQ for more details about the program.
- SCons has been participating in the SOC for a couple of years and the SCons mailing list has a similar call for ideas. I have an idea for both: Eiffel support in SCons! Ok, you may be aware that I've already written an Eiffel builder, but a smart student could vastly improve on what I've done. Anyway, my builder is just sitting there on the Wiki; incorporating an Eiffel builder as a standard SCons tool would help promote Eiffel.
- Another idea: the option to view ECF in a non-XML format!