Touch of class typos
Typos for "Touch of Class" draft
How to report a typo
Report it under the appropriate chapter title below. Please include the original section number. The page number is less important as it changes. The best is to copy-paste the relevant text extract and mark the faulty word(s), for example by **...**. It is convenient to show the extract as a display (start lines with spaces) and also, if you wish, to give your name.
For example:
In section 16.1, just after the first figure: Money, Pass, Map, Louvre, Orsay Money, Pass, **Louvre, Map**, Orsay Money, Map, Pass, Louvre, Orsay The second one is wrong. -- Luchin Doblies, 1.12.2008.
(Indeed Luchin Doblies reported this error -- thanks! BM.) The entry should appear in the section for the corresponding chapter (it does now). I am sorry that I will not be able to respond to individual comments, but I will consider all reports and correct the text as needed.
Preface etc.
1 The industry of pure ideas
2 Dealing with objects
3 Program structure basics
4 The interface of a class
5 Just Enough Logic
6 Creating objects and executing systems
7 Control structures
8 Routines, functional abstraction and information hiding
9 Variables, assignment and references
10 Just enough hardware
11 Describing syntax
12 Programming languages
13 Compilers and friends: the basic software tools
14 Fundamental data structures, genericity, and algorithm complexity
15 Recursion and trees
16 Devising and engineering an algorithm: Topological Sort
In section 16.1, just after the first figure: Money, Pass, Map, Louvre, Orsay Money, Pass, **Louvre, Map**, Orsay Money, Map, Pass, Louvre, Orsay The second one is wrong. -- Luchin Doblies, 1.12.2008.