User talk:Susannelugo

Everyone needs spiritual healing. Whether you are a successful professional working your way up the corporate ladder, or someone who has been hurt many times in the past, or even someone who has hurt a lot of people in his life, this is something that will help you move on and grow into a better and more mature individual.

For the already-successful and happy person living a busy life.

It doesn't matter how happy you already are. Every human constantly strives for something more in life, and more often than not, even the richest working professionals will attest that no matter the success, they still feel a gap within them that their big salary cannot fill.

Spiritual healing can help clarify things a little bit more for them. Healing spiritually requires a lot of meditation and thinking over how success has molded you and how it has changed you as a person. You may be financially stable, but still arrogant. Being boastful (not in a good way) of what you have is not a good thing, and this also requires some form of healing so that you can help get rid of that arrogance and replace it with generosity and humility.

For the person who has been hurt many times in life.

Everyone carries some hurt in one way or another. Life is never perfect, and so you are bound to experience something painful at some point in your life. When you do, sometimes it can be hard to recover. Spiritual healing is needed so that you can move on, because in order to forgive the people you have wronged you, you may first need to forgive yourself.

Healing your soul spiritually means accepting what the past has taught you and how it has treated you so that you can move on without feeling the same amount of pain that you used to feel every time you remember what happened to you.

For the person who has hurt a lot of people.

The hurtful person has always been misunderstood. Many people are under the impression that these are people who are mean, cruel, and quite simply put, bullies. However, this may not always be the case. More often than not, you will realize that most "bullies" will claim to have a lot of baggage and issues that often make them mean and angry all the time.

Many people who intentionally hurt others have been hurt themselves. Bullying is a sign that spiritual healing has not yet happened and needs to happen before the person really hurt someone else. It is especially frustrating and painful to see a hurt person coping with the pain by hurting others to numb it. Therefore, the person needs to accept the past and move on with optimism for the present and the future.

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